Engineering Precision, Empowering Structures

Create. Design. Inspire.

At REDDOT Rebar, we excel in delivering comprehensive Rebar, Structural, and BIM Services.

Our expertise ensures precision, efficiency, and excellence in steel construction and architectural detailing.

Let us help you find the perfect design on your project

16 +



“Building Excellence Through Precision, Innovation, and Expertise”

With over 16 years of unwavering dedication, Red Dot Rebar stands as a beacon of experience in Rebar Detailing and Structural Engineering. Our team of 350+ seasoned engineers brings a wealth of expertise, positioning us as industry leaders. Headquartered in Chennai, India, with branches in the USA, Madurai, and Maharashtra, we have consistently delivered top-tier solutions in Civil, Structural, and Detailed Engineering. As part of our commitment to innovation and excellence, we have expanded our capabilities with the introduction of advanced BIM Services. This new vertical leverages cutting-edge 3D modeling, clash detection, and cloud-based collaboration to revolutionize project workflows and deliver unparalleled precision. At Red Dot Rebar, we are more than a service provider—we are your trusted partner, dedicated to driving success and shaping the future of construction.


Happy Customers


Completed Works





Service Capabilities Includes

Build Amazing Structures when RDR takes care of the details.

Red Dot Rebar is your detailing partner for all your structural engineeing requirements

We have consistently served amazing projects over the years.


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